Articles & Interviews

Welcome to our Articles & Interviews section. Here you’ll find lots of deaf stories and articles on deafness and important goings-on within the community. Keep reading for handy deaf-related tips and advice, as well as interviews with inspirational individuals who have pursued exciting projects and careers. 

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Deaf Role Model of the Month: Camilla Arnold

Each month we invite an inspirational or outstanding deaf role model to share their story. Our role model this month is Camilla Arnold. She’s been trailblazing across the film and television industry and is now the CEO of BSLTB (British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust), and here we get to find out about her journey up until this point. Read her story here or watch the BSL version

Deaf Role Model of the Month: Camilla Arnold: Read more

Deaf Role Model of the Month: Deepa Shastri

Each month we invite an inspirational or outstanding deaf role model to share their story. Our role model this month is Deepa Shastri. You may recognise her from her presenting role on BSL Zone, or her other work across the arts industries, but here we get to find out more of the journey of this inspirational woman. Read her story here or watch the BSL version

Deaf Role Model of the Month: Deepa Shastri: Read more