Terms & Conditions

Description of Services.

You are purchasing the services of Deaf Unity in the provision of qualified teaching of British Sign Language for:

a) Deaf Awareness & BSL Taster Sessions;

b) Workshops;

c) Fully Accredited Academic Qualifications in BSL; or

d) Professional Workplace Training


  • Enrolments are processed on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. Applicants will receive confirmation of their place on the course when either the first instalment has been made or the full payment has been received.
  • If the course fees are being funded by your employer, a letter of confirmation from the company and a purchase order number confirming the payment is required. A full invoice will be sent to your employer for payment. The participant will not be able to attend the course until the full payment of the course has been received.
  • Where possible, courses are taught by the same tutor and at the same venue for duration of the course. Deaf Unity reserves the right to change a tutor or the venue at short notice.
  • Deaf Unity will not accept responsibility for unforeseen changes in a participant’s circumstances that may prevent attendance.
  • If a tutor is unable to attend a session due to unforeseen circumstances or illness, we will endeavour to cover the session with another tutor. If this is not possible we will re-schedule the session on another date at the end of the course. This may result in the exam dates being changed.
  • Applicants must be over 16 years old at the start of the course.

GDPR Compliance Notice

Deaf Unity maintains a database of all its current students and staff. This information is used only by Deaf Unity or by relevant parties who require the information (such as exam boards, qualifying bodies or Colleges). Once a person’s relationship with Deaf Unity has ended, such as by completing a course or terminating their employment, they may ask to have this, and all other, personal information permanently removed from our records. If such a request is made Deaf Unity will immediately comply.

Personal Belongings

Personal belongings or other items brought with you to classes and events are at your own risk and we accept no responsibility in relation to their loss or damage, whether at our premises or otherwise.


In order to meet financial commitments to venues and staff, payment must be made at least two [2] weeks prior to the start date of any course. It makes no difference if the fee is paid in one payment or instalments, you are committing to making the whole payment, in full, for the delivery of our services.

Payment of the fee is required, in full, prior to the commencement of the course (unless an Instalment Plan has been agreed). This is a legally binding contract for services.

Outside of the fourteen [14] day cancellation period this payment is non-refundable. Payments can be by BACS bank transfer or Direct Debit (for instalment plans.) We can discuss payment by cheque or cash on an individual basis.

Non Payment / Late Payment

If you are in financial difficulty it is of the utmost importance that you speak to us immediately. If you rescind on an instalment payment we will first send a written letter/email of intent giving you two [2] weeks to make payment. After this, it is the practice of Deaf Unity to recover unpaid course fees in the County Court. This results in a County Court Judgement [CCJ] being entered on the record against the debtor.

Course Fees


If you are paying your own course fees, the following will apply:

  • You will be sent an email once you have applied. The email will provide you with an ‘online link’  or information to pay by bank transfer for your first payment.
  • Once you have made the first payment, you will receive email confirmation of the payment and your enrolment.
  • If you have opted to pay by the instalment plan all other monthly payments will be scheduled for you to transfer (on the same date you paid the enrolment fee, unless a change of date is requested) at the agreed amount until the full course fees have been received. You should email to confirm you have made the transfer.
  • If any of your scheduled payments are not transferred on the agreed dates for whatever reason, an additional admin charge of £10.00 will be added to the monthly payment. Late payments will incur an additional £10.00 charge.

Course Fees Paid by Your Employer

If your Employer is paying the course fees you must:

  • Provide Deaf Unity with a email or headed letter from your company confirming they will pay the course fees
  • The email or letter headed paper must include a purchase order number
  • Your employer will be invoiced for the full course fees

The course fees must be paid before the commencement of the course

Deaf Unity Refund & Cancellation Policy

  1. Student Request for a Refund
  • Requests for a refund must be made in writing via email (bsl@deafunity.org)
  • If a participant withdraws from the course more than fourteen [14] days before it is due to start, a refund will be issued minus the administration fees, which is currently £10 and any registration fees that have already been paid to the examining body.
  • If a participant withdraws less than fourteen [14] days before the course is due to start, a refund will be issued less the cost of one lesson and any registration fees that have been paid to the examining body.
  • If a written request for a refund is received after the commencement of the course, a refund will not be issued.
  • If a participant joins the course after the start date and then later withdraws, no refund will be issued for any fees paid.
  1. Refunds Due to other reasons
  • These are dealt with on a case by case basis. Evidence will need to be provided to support any claim. Decisions are at the discretion of Deaf Unity and final.
  1. Cancelled Courses and Cancelled Sessions

Course Cancellation:

If a course is cancelled for a reason that is out of Deaf Unity’s control and a suitable alternative is not offered, a full refund will be provided.

Single Session:

If a single session of a course of 8 weeks or more is cancelled, Deaf Unity will try to provide an extra date. If this session cannot be arranged, a remote session will be offered with meaningful learning activities and objectives. If this cannot be arranged or offered, then a refund for the value of the lost session will be provided.


  • If a 1:1 session is cancelled by Deaf Unity or the tutor with more than 7 day’s notice, an alternative date will be arranged. If an alternative date cannot be arranged then a full refund will be offered.
  • If a 1:1 session is cancelled by the participant with less than 7 day’s notice then no refund will be offered.
  • All 1:1 sessions should be paid for in advance and within 21 days of the date of the session.