Deaf Unity Search Results

You searched for "Role Model" and the search returned 69 items. Here are the results:

University – Deafness is not a barrier (Article/Interview)

…Personal Statement Masterclass BrightNetwork – CV Masterclass Bilingualism and Creating a Thriving Learning Environment Domestic and Sexual Violence in the Deaf Community Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Featured Deaf Unity Role Models We have more exciting content on Education, Employment and Well-being coming over the following weeks and months!…

University – Deafness is not a barrier: Read the full article/interview

When Choosing a School for Your Deaf Child, What Does ‘Sign Bilingual’ Mean? (Article/Interview)

…emotional and social support that will be vital to your child’s growth. Who is in the Deaf Community? The Deaf Community is made up of signers, those who lip-read, those with cochlear implants and hearing aids and those with additional disabilities. Providing role models in whom the child can see…

When Choosing a School for Your Deaf Child, What Does ‘Sign Bilingual’ Mean?: Read the full article/interview

Summer Holidays Survival Guide for Parents of Deaf Children (Article/Interview)

…being limited throughout the holidays. The best way to avoid becoming stressed? Victoria suggests: Ensure you’re getting enough sleep Regular exercise Limit alcohol intake Stay in contact with family and friends Be a role model to your kids “Try to reinforce behaviours that show good awareness of a child’s needs…

Summer Holidays Survival Guide for Parents of Deaf Children: Read the full article/interview

John Hay Deaf Learners National Conference Workshop Facilitator (Article/Interview)

…their role models does certainly echoes the quotation made by the President of Gallaudet University, Dr I King Jordan, ‘We, the deaf, can do anything but hear!’ I am very pleased to see the progress of introducing deaf teachers in educational establishments and also having Deaf Studies as part of…

John Hay Deaf Learners National Conference Workshop Facilitator: Read the full article/interview